City: Nampa
State: Idaho
Dogs Name/Nickname: Madison
Breed: Labradoodle
Likes: Loves to sit in her chair outside and cuddle
Pet-Peeves: Motorcycles, lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners
Favorite Toys: Clock & rope toys
Favorite Treat: Milk bones
Favorite Walk: Around the duck pond in the park
Best Tricks: Bouncing on leaves & dandelions
Arrival Story: Madison was purchased from a breeder in Sister, Oregon. She drove all the way back to Nampa without making a fuss in her crate. She pretty much slept the entire 6 hours! Good Dog!
Bio: Madison’s Mommy works long hours, but she always makes sure we have quality time everyday. She has grandparents and great grandparents that love to dote!
Motto: Everyday is a good day for a nap!