State: Idaho
Dogs Name/Nickname: Sage
Breed: Yellow Labrador Retriever
Likes: Hunting, Swimming, Launching off the Dock at the Lake
Pet-Peeves: Being left alone or behind
Favorite Toys: Duck Bumper
Favorite Treat: Biscuits
Favorite Walk: Jump shooting ducks along river
Best Tricks: Jumping over 20ft into water
Arrival Story/Bio: Sage was an energetic obedient companion that was always happy to do anything you asked of him. However, he hated to be left alone at home. He was very, very destructive when left alone. He would chew through walls, through 16 gauge wire fence, break through windows and more. Once we returned home he was his normal great companion self. After his first training instruction Sage was much less anxious and destructive. He learned to be calm and relaxed while home alone.